phd candidate | play therapist | writer | speaker

about sydney

my comfort movie is brandy’s cinderalla. i love listening to audiobooks on a walk. i am constantly buying aesthetically pleasing office supplies & stationary because it's what i need to produce anything. my favorite board game is clue. if we can have the conversation out in the sun, i will request it. i drink coffee like a gilmore. i will follow my curiosity down side streets and foot paths even if it doesn't look like the right road from the vantage point of anyone else. dogs over cats. i believe the places we become locals in shape us irrevocably. kitchens are one of the most important parts of a home. i dream of having access to a dark room for film photography forever. pastels over neon colors. my home library is predominantly paperback books. sunflowers.

“you are not the work you do; you are the person you are”

— toni morrison

the basics: respectful engagement & sharing a love of knowledge

while i do not believe knowledge belongs to individuals, it is important to me to credit those i have been taught by. i have benefited endlessly from people learning in public, directly around me and on the internet. with that in mind, i have cited as many people as possible whose ideas have influenced and impacted mine as reflected across this site. therefore, understand that I have the same expectation of my words and work (including all original photography on this site).

abbreviated bottom lines

learning in public is brave and worthwhile.

i don't have all the answers nor cling to an identity of 'expert'.

i will always try to get it right, and when i make mistakes, i will repair what i can.